We are all wishing Dave good luck and good weather for his attempt on the Bob Graham Round on 23/24 June
(74 miles, 42 Lakeland peaks, 28,000 feet of ascent all within 24 hours).
He is joining up with a party from Dark Peak Fell Runners, with Dallam supporters.Check out http://www.dpfr.org.uk/ for schedule and times.
John Hodgson reports on the continuing successes of our star ladies.
Hazel is back to winning ways with a 1st at Tebay Fell Race and Melanie won the Clougha Pike U14s race blowing the course record apart ( 19m 25s down to 16m 20s).
John tells me his Clougha time was 4 minutes slower than 2004 ( I know the feeling) but that he did enjoy the home baking in the refreshment room afterwards.