Hello everyone,
many of you know I am involved with Thembalitsha, a fantastic charity
which helps children and families in South Africa with HIV, TB and other
awful conditions, through health care, education, sports clubs and much
more. I am a trustee and supporter and have visited to help on these
I am taking part in three fundraising challenges over the next week or two:
Cycle to the Sea, 100 miles from Oxfordshire to Brighton on 14 Sept
Northampton Half Marathon, run on 22 Sept
Nene Valley Way, a 30 mile bike ride on 6 Oct
For Cycle to the Sea I am joined by some like minded friends and we have a separate fundraising page for that.
Half Marathon is being run also by my wife Vicki and friends Lauren
Evans and David Tebbutt; and the Nene Valley Way is a family affair
involving Vicki and also my two children Faith and Joel and also Lauren
is such a wonderful charity run by fantastic people doing amazing work
for people who need a second chance. Please help by giving what you can
here: http://www.justgiving.com/ chris-knight6
It just takes a couple of minutes.
Thanks a lot!