26 August 2015

Event shelter and other new club equipment

Here's a preview of the club's new event shelter which should make an appearance at the weekend camping trip.

We've also purchased base and mountain first aid kits and a set of outdoor tables.Jon Wallbank has also very kindly donated 30 new lightweight directional signs for use at our races.
The club hasn't got a very good record as regards the care and maintenance of it's equipment and quite a lot  has gone missing in the past. So let's stick to a few simple rules from now on:

1.Paul Sewell will be holding most of the new equipment and anyone wishing to use it must agree a return by date with him.It must not be passed on to another person without Paul's knowledge and agreement.

2.Equipment must be returned unadapted and in good condition.eg the directional signs are designed to be easily portable for marking out our off road races ,so they shouldn't be nailed to posts or otherwise adapted or written on except for the specific purposes of the 20 Barriers and Arnside Knott races.