18 May 2018

May 2018 Update

A few things to update you on:

Privacy Policy
In common with most other organisations in the EU,Dallam now has a privacy policy which brings us into line with the new data protection laws that come into effect on 25th May. The wording is based on the England Athletics draft privacy statement for clubs,suitably tailored to reflect the way we operate. Thanks to Steve Jeffs for his wise counsel, and also to Sue Goodfellow and the other Junior Co-ordinators over the design of the new form for juniors.

Charity Donations and Fund Raising
Steve is arranging to make the £1,000 donations to each of last year's chosen charities, Air Ambulance and Fix the Fells.We are not yet sure if this will involve any presentations.

As agreed at the AGM this year's charities are Air Ambulance and Manna House Kendal.
So members really need to start planning some fund raising events that can take place over the summer months and into the autumn/winter please. Past events have included orienteering evenings, BBQs/Jacob's Joins but it would be good if you could come up with some fresh ideas as well please (and then carry them out with the support of your club mates).
In June, Dave and Lorna Hewitt will be drawing up the Wednesday evening runs list for July/August/September ,so perhaps one or two of you who are leading runs could come up with a money raising element that could be included please.

Club Races
We are fortunate that both our existing races have the go ahead again this year,in their usual slots on the race calendar:

20 Barriers Race, from Carnforth High School,on Tuesday 3rd July at 7pm.
Greg Tagney is the Race Organiser.

Arnside Knott Race, from Hollins Farm,Far Arnside,on Sunday 18th November with the usual start times from 11.15 for juniors and 12.15 for the senior race. Dave Shinn the Race Organiser.

Although these are our major sources of income and for donations to charity, it's not uncommon for well established races to fall by the wayside due to unforeseen circumstances.So as mentioned at the AGM it would be good if a couple of you could come up with a new race for the future, which would be supported by the club.

Club Membership
We've had some new members join us in the last few months.Welcome to the club!

Most of last year's members have already renewed for this year (1st April 2018 to 31st March 2019) but there are still a few stragglers who might wish to take a few minutes to renew online at