Dallam Running Club is affiliated with England Athletics and as such has sought and abided by all guidance offered by EA during the current pandemic. Our membership is composed of runners from differing Tier restricted areas but in the main from Lancashire and Cumbria. Currently with such disparity in restriction between these areas and in response to latest guidance from England Athletics which advises “NO TRAVEL into or out of Tier 3 areas to participate in running” I have, with support of the committee, decided to stop all Wednesday club running.
This decision was not taken easily and various solutions to allow the club to continue running were proposed and considered, unfortunately though it was felt that not only would club running become fractured but more importantly the management and therefore safety could become compromised too. In the face of these tightening restrictions along with increasing rates of Covid-19 infection the decision to stop club running was deemed the most responsible decision at this time.
Dallam’s return to running under our Covid secure protocol worked well, we remained safe and in many unforeseen ways perhaps showed us how our normal runs may benefit from what we have learnt in these strange times. We are also advantaged by having a tried method for running in place which will allow us to return quickly as and when there is greater parity between the restrictions placed on our neighbouring counties. So until then I would encourage you to remain active and stay safe.
Jon Wallbank