06 October 2021

Monday Training Night

 Hello Dallamites,

The committee and myself have recently discussed how Dallam might meet the request from some senior members for an additional and more “training focused” run session. We feel it is important that as a club we meet the needs of all its members so in response I am pleased to let you know that Susan Goodfellow has proposed a senior training session focussed on developing strength and speed. This new training session will be held alongside our Monday Junior session and will be coached by Susan. Typically the session will be comprised of warm up, drills, focussed intervals/hill reps or alternatively a faster paced run containing sprint activities.

The new senior training session will be conducted from Dallam School   https://goo.gl/maps/tpaUTaAyBHtZNSEu6  from 6pm - 7pm and will start on October 18th. There will be a £1 fee for all that attend in order to contribute to the hire of facilities.

Wednesday off-road runs will remain the same social run and during the winter months we will have the option of a road-run for those wanting a faster paced Wednesday run.
As we regain the lighter evenings the additional “Tempo” run will be resurrected to provide further options for those that wish to be involved in a "faster further" off-road run on a Wednesday.

It is hoped that the new senior training session will prove popular in meeting the needs of members and that this can be expanded in time.
Myself and the committee hope that the above will help meet the needs of all members whilst at the same time retain Dallam's unique friendly and inclusive character.

Jon Wallbank