01 October 2024

Dallam Championship 2024 - ONE race to go but we have clear winners :)

Well done to everyone who has taken part in the Dallam Championship so far :)

We now have a scoreboard, and even though the brilliant Allithwaite 8 trail race still awaits, on 2nd November (entry here), nobody will be knocking our championship leaders off the top spots! Congratulations WENDY DODDS and MIKE SMITH - hip, hip, hooray!

Here are the results as they stand, WITHOUT the 80 bonus points for each person as I'm not aware of every additional race everybody has done:

Can anyone who has competed in the championship:

  • let me know if I've missed you off from the results of any of the above races, and 
  • tell me the name of any other race you've done in 2024 that wasn't one of our chosen 14 - your bonus race that earns you an extra 80 points! (N.B. I do have this info for the following people: Alistair, Wendy, Roland, Tyron, Vicky, Grace, Melissa and anyone who did other Winter League races).

Bravo again everyone, and maybe see you at Allithwaite!
