14 February 2007

Another reminder about renewing memberships

Quite a number of subscriptions are now overdue for 2007.
The amounts are unchanged from last year and early renewals would be appreciated

Seniors: £8
Under 16 or full time student: £6
Family of up to four: £15 - for over 4 members please add £3 per extra person to cover England Athletics affiliations.

You can either print off and complete the form below and send it to:
David Shinn,29 Greenways,Over Kellet,Carnforth, Lancashire LA6 1DE

Or hand it to Paul Crewe at a forthcoming club night.If your address,e mail details etc are unchanged then you don't need to fill in a form and can simply hand Paul the money.

Can you help us out on this please.Last year it took us until May to get all of the subs in.

A reminder that you should not be competing for the Club in 2007 unless you have renewed your membership.



Any change of Address

Any change of E Mail address

Any change of home telephone number or mobile

I wish to renew my membership of Dallam Running Club and enclose a cheque for £



please make cheques payable to “Dallam Running Club"