09 September 2013

October Fell Relays - today's update!

Now Steve's out of action Adrian steps into the mens FRA team and we need two more runners for our Ian Hodgson Mountain Relay team. Please speak to Dowy if you can help out.

Ian Hodgson Mountain Relay from Patterdale on Sunday 6th October :
leg 1  Lorna Hewitt and ANO

leg 2 Dave Hewitt and Vicky Kirkwood

leg 3 John Leech and ANO
leg 4 Martin Benson and Mark Bell
Dowy first reserve

FRA-British Hill Relay Champs,from Llanberis on Sunday 20th October:

leg 1  Martin Benson
leg 2 Mike Smith and Ray Gill
leg 3 (nav) Dave Hewitt and Adrain Leigh
leg 4 Mark Bell
Jarv first reserve

Vicky Kirkwood
Jenny Edmonson
Debbie Copley
Jessica Goodfellow
Grace Leedham
Penny Attwood
Reserves: Julia Siers and Chris McGuire

Dowy 01524 822216 Mens FRA (and Ian Hodgson team captain)
Vicky 01524 824594 Ladies FRA