Please arrive at the car park behind Wheelbase at Staveley by 12.15 ready to set off at 12.30 sharp.
After the run we'll be eating in the River Bar on the first floor at Hawkshead Brewery at around 4.30 pm.
Update from Mark about paying:
There are still some people owing money for the Christmas do.
If you have not paid could you at least confirm your place as I need to send exact numbers to Wilfs Cafe.
We are now virtually at capacity so any more may need to be dead man's shoes as 1or 2 always drop out on the day.
I may not be at running next Wednesday so please send cheques to "Dallam Running Club" at 6 Kirklands, Hest Bank ,Lancaster LA2 6ER .
Please confirm first by text 07939037204.
Thanks Mark
Update about
Just to remind you it's £12.50 for adults and £7.50 for under 16s.
If you haven't already booked and want places please contact Mark on 01524 824390
Unfortunately there have been too few takers to make the coach viable,so people will need to make their own transport/lift sharing arrangements.While it's possible to arrive at Staveley by bus around midday the buses stop running by late afternoon and the only return option is by train via Oxenholme and Lancaster.
Original post
By popular request the River Bar at Hawkshead Brewery ,Mill Yard, Staveley has been booked again as this year's venue with Wilf's providing the food.
The Monday is a Bank Holiday.
Arrangements will be similar to last year but with a different route for the run.