Saturday 29th August to Monday 31st August at Ennerdale Scout Camp - the heart of wild Ennerdale
The Scout Camp is located on the shores of Ennerdale Water. (NGR 088 155) It is in a fantastic isolated spot…..(and The Fox and Hounds is only just down the road!!).
From the site we will have access to footpaths and bridleways – so, great for running, walking and mountain biking. And you can also use kayaks on the water.
On site facilities include toilets, hot showers and washing facilities, a laundry room, campfire circle (good for a sing-song!) and barbecues. We will be given our very own dedicated camping area and there is also space for 3 or 4 campervans.
The cost is £6 per person per night. Bring your own tent. Please pay on the weekend.
There is still plenty of space and still time to sign up so please email me!
Cheers Debbie
More information below.....
Reserved so Far: Debbie (4), Paul and Pam , Mike and Helen S, Lorna and Dave , John H, Greg, Dave S, Emma S (x4), Grace, Nick , Penny and Tom, Helen W (x2?), Laura R(x4)
1. Proposal for food……
We have access to altar style barbecues and a fridge.Therefore suggest group barbecue on Saturday Evening. (Debbie to organize) Adults £5 per head, Children £2.50/head.Price will include Burrow’s sausages and burgers, buns, sauces and charcoal etc etc….. (Pay on the weekend).
Please all bring any extras such as….HOMEBAKING!
ALL OTHER MEALS should be catered for by YOU. (And don’t forget to bring your own plate, cup, spoon, etc for all meals).
2. Proposals for Activities….
Saturday lunchtime - arrive
Saturday afternoon – suggest timed orienteering challenge before tea !?
Saturday tea – Group Barbecue
Saturday Evening – Rounders? Then Campfire (with Greg!!!)
Sunday 10:30 – Start the BIG DAY OUT of running, walking or biking, whatever is your preference!
The BIG RUN will be planned by Dave H. Length - afew hours, so need kit for the high hills and food.
The BIG WALK – See Pam Sewell. Need pack lunch and walking gear.
The BIG BIKE - John Harkes will be doing one MTB route with his kids. Dave H also taking his bike.
Sunday Tea: - cater for yourself.
Sunday Evening – THE BIG QUIZ followed by more campfire shin-digs I am sure!!
Monday am: Walk/amble...??
Help with cleaning our site…last year we had to mop out the loos and stuff….so help greatly appreciated with this.
Take a look at the ‘Wild Ennerdale’ website for walks etc on
Kayak/Canoeing. We can access the water without permits so long as we are just individuals or family groups so I think we should be OK, but I shall phone and check in any case. How many of us would be taking a kayak?
BEER (finally!) There is a local microbrewery that will deliver a keg of beer. If anyone is interested in this perhaps chat about it on Wednesday night and someone else make this order. Tel. No. is 01946 861229.
It might not necessarily be the scorchio weather that I have ordered so if anyone has a GAZEBO can they please bring it. Other useful bits of kit would be trestle tables, spare deckchairs, tarpaulins and groundsheets, washing up bowls and liquid, dishcloths, lanterns, kitchen roll, loo roll, a big cooker and a big kettle. Plus anything else that I might have not thought of!
(Hopefully we'll have all of the newly purchased club equipment available by the weekend including tables,event shelter,base and mountain first aid kits)And remember… if you are planning on doing the run up the fells, you must be carrying the correct gear, full waterproofs, warm layers + hat and gloves, food and drink, map, compass etc… We will not be leaving anyone behind but you must still all be responsible for your own safety and that of your kids if they are coming up too
ADDRESS OF SITE: Ennerdale Scout Centre
Ennerdale Bridge
Cleator Moor Cumbria
CA23 3AR,515460&st=OSGrid&lu=N&tl=Ennerdale%20Scout%20Centre&ar=y&bi=background=
Directions …..(taken from the Scout Camp website!...I will probably go up the west coast way myself, just cos I know that way better but coming in from Keswick is less twisty turny, so up to you.)
• From M6 Jct 40 travel West to Keswick on A66,
• Continue on A66 to Cockermouth at 2nd Roundabout 1st Exit A595 Workington .
• Stay on A595 at next roundabout signed Whitehaven/Barrow 1st Exit.
• Stay on A595 Bypassing Whitehaven.
• Set of traffic lights stay in left hand lane signposted Cleator Moor B5295.
• First exit at mini roundabout uphill.Top of hill turn right 2nd Exit.
• Follow road through Cleator Moor.
• At T jct turn Rt then Lft at Pub.Follow Rd to Ennerdale village.
• Turn Rt at school.Half mile on sign Broadmoor Forest turn Rt. Follow road approx 1 mile .
Look for small sign Ennerdale Scout Camp entrance to lane,follow through gate to site
And that’s it!
Email: or Telephone 01524 702563