20 October 2014

FRA Relay celebratory meal

Please let Steve have names and numbers by Sunday 26th October.
It would also be good to have a pool of teetotal drivers for car sharing!
e-mail (stevenjeffs@aol.com), or mobile (07792522097)

original post......
Just a quick bit of FRA relay admin that seems to have slipped by un-noticed...
There is a celebratory meal/do planned for all the marshals and helpers who put time into the event. The "do" is at Barbon village hall on Saturday 1st November at 7.00/7.30pm. There is a two course meal (provided by Fell and Dale - the event caterers), a bar and a band. All  Howgill and Dallam runners are all invited. The meal is free for marshals and helpers, but is £10 for partners, spouses or friends. The bar is a cash bar, music provided by ????? It should be a great night. Howgill have organised a bus for themselves - we will need to share lifts (or camp over??)

Best regards
Steve Jeffs