26 March 2021

A return to club running.

Wednesday club runs will reconvene once again under “Covid Secure” regulations.
The committee have been monitoring the relaxation of government regulations along with guidance updates from England Athletics, conducted the appropriate risk assessment, and now agree it is the appropriate time to resume club running under the format as detailed below.
Dallam’s Covid Secure risk assessment can be found on the link below and all members wishing to run on a Wednesday should take time to familiarise themselves with this document.
The committee will however continue to monitor risks ongoing and are prepared adapt/change or withdraw club running if necessary.

Covid Secure Club running with Dallam.

It should go without saying that if you feel at all unwell with any associated symptoms of Covid-19 please do not attend runs as you put all at risk in doing so.

Club runs are strictly for members only as we are required to record each runners attendance in order to adhere to “test and trace” guidelines.
Any person wishing to run with Dallam who is not a member but has an interest in joining our club can do so with prior arrangement with myself.

Two metre social distancing should be adhered to at all times, on arrival, before, during and post club run.
The committee have chosen specific running locations that present ample and remote parking which facilitate good social distancing.

All members are required to pack a pair of nitrile gloves and face mask in addition to their usual kit.
Packing these lightweight items into a small waterproof freezer bag is easy and leaves us well placed as a group to safely attend to any injured or fallen runner if required.

Running groups will be restricted to a maximum of six people at all times.
On arrival we will require volunteers to be “run leaders” in order to lead the individual groups. Without volunteers to lead we cannot run!
Again, the committee have chosen locations that present multiple and differing run options in areas that should be well known to club members. Each group will be issued with a First Aid kit.
I am strongly in favour of our run groups embarking on differing routes as opposed to running at intervals along the same route as bottlenecks and other issues can soon arise.

Test and trace.
Before departing, I or a committee member will take pictures of each group to record runners details for NHS test and trace.
Any member wanting to participate in our club run, is by doing so, in agreement that their details may be used for NHS test and trace should an incidence of infection occur.
If you test positive for Covid-19 and have attended a club run, you should notify myself or a committee member as soon as possible.

Enjoy your run!
Our running won’t be as it was before and as excited as we are to get back to club running we must stay aware of maintaining a two meter distance at all times.
If you feel unhappy with a fellow member’s encroachment don’t be afraid to mention this too them as it is so easy to unintentionally “drift off” during conversation or whilst running and forget safe distancing. If you have an apprehensions beyond this please contact me directly and I will be happy to discuss any issues arising.

Post run
Unfortunately I am required to encourage you all to disperse quickly after running but this is where my jurisdiction as club secretary ends.
However I am fully aware of the fantastic social aspect of our club and how this is one of our biggest assets.
Any socialising post run is beyond my jurisdiction but please be responsible as we represent our club and it is important how others perceive us.

Considerations and recommendations.
If you have kindly volunteered to lead a run, please consider your route options. Where possible keep within open ground, try to avoid narrowing trails, gates, stiles etc and minimise encounters with public if at all possible. Whilst with the best of intentions, some of the above may be unavoidable, it may also be worth nominating one person within your group to hold gates for others so as to minimise contact with surfaces.

Our club calendar will be updated soon with the further venues and I hope to see running soon.

Jon Wallbank